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June 23, 2004
What Percentage of Our Lives Are "Want" and what Percentage are "Need."
I really don't need any German Goggles but for some reason I want some German Goggles. Damn those are cool. It's not like I would wear them around the street or anything, maybe I would talk myself into actually dressing up for Halloween this year if I had those German Goggles, and they are on sale for only $9.99. But really, how much of my life is filled with 'Want' rather than 'Need', once all of your needs have been met, does everything after that become a "wanted" item? I luckily can't remember ever feeling like I have gone beyond need and want to whatever comes next, something that is surely not a need, and really passed up a want a few times over and has just become some form of abundance or gluttony. Are these goggles in that same rung?
Posted by tbartels at June 23, 2004 11:50 PM
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