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June 01, 2004

Cooking up a Storm

I alwasy figured I would be a better cook if I really understood why different processes were necessary at different moments, now there is a show just for me. And if you were ever looking for a new purpose for all those ecess legos you have sitting around you can always make some Mathematical Sculptures.

It was a good 3-day weekend I spent most of it reading about Fermat's Last Theorem, it is a really interesting story and I am facinated by the idea of a book/story that follows the life of an object or idea rather then the life of a person, in the vein of 'if these walls could talk' i guess. On Monday I took Jason Mtn. Biking for his first time on an actual mtn with a bike, I think he is hooked. ;)

The host of the cooking show has a website of his own...very cool.

Posted by tbartels at June 1, 2004 09:28 AM

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