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May 24, 2004
Easy Enough...
Personally I love to hike and bike in the wilderness, I am very grateful for all of the persons that have put then energy and knowledge into creating safe and beautiful trails. Every time I am using a trail -- esp. when biking -- I feel the need to give something back, to show my appreciation. So I joined a volunteer group, CORBA Trail Crew, that meets once a month and does everything from picking up trash to designing and constructing whole new trails.
There is an article about the decaying state of national parks and it depresses me. The article talks more about trails that are lacking in maintenance due to overgrowth, meaning that nobody is using the trails, a bit of a conflict I guess. Should we let an underused trail go to waste, let if overgrow and dissappear? Coming up in two weeks(June 5) is the National Trail Day where almost every hike/bike/equestrian organization will band togethor to do some major overhauls on trails that are in much need of attention. If you have ever enjoyed a trail and wished you could thank the person that built it, consider helping out for a day.
Posted by tbartels at May 24, 2004 04:58 PM