November 13, 2002
and now
I am working on an idea about how to develop a certain area on my site, how to get something onto a specific spot, what specific spot, what on that spot....what does it have to do with....zones. Nope, I know now that this isn't doing what I want it to, but this is it. I am looking at the zones of my site, the way that putting a series of zones next to each other creates a movement, or a trajectory, the ability of the adjacency of zones to create motion. I want to use that motion do define place and form. Now is just have to figure out what to do with it exacly. More soon.
Posted by tbartels at November 13, 2002 02:32 AM
Check this out Tom:
I hope that link works - otherwise copy and paste it. Well if you can understand through the several accents and bad english of the posters - the thread is rathe interesting. It put architecture and a lot of the BS that we learn in school in perspective for me. Hope it's a good read for you TomB!
Posted by: Brim at November 13, 2002 04:50 AM;f=1;t=000190;p=1
Thats a parallel thread to the one above..BTW I forgot to say - cool little flash thingie you have there. If you need inspiration come over to Gundy's studio and we can throw glass on the floor or dribble glue on chipboard or something cool like that. =) Keep up the good posting TomB!
Brim / Xav
Posted by: Brim at November 13, 2002 04:52 AM